Saturday, April 14, 2012

K-Pop Diets


   Okay, so lately I've been reading A LOT about K-Pop diets and how some seem real simple and how some just seem interesting enough to try. 'Model Idol' group Nine Muses has an interesting diet plan. They use paper cups and fill each one with food. One with fruits, another with mixed grain rice or brown rice, and a third with side dishes. They use this method the whole day for three meals. You can eat different things but with the same restrictions which might help satisfy some. Yes it may seem hard at first, but they did it for four months and got their wonderful looking bodies.


Boiled Eggs
    This is one of my staples. It's also an extremely popular part of any K-Pop idols diet! Personally, I don't like the yolk. Which is great, because the egg white is only 15 kcal but fills me up a lot when I have two!

Chicken Breast
     A cooked chicken breast without skin is really healthy and filling, and fulfills protein intake for the day. A lot of females don't get enough protein in their diet, while males take in too much. Idols like Uee, SNSD, and more swear by the chicken breast diet. Just make sure not to add extra oils (some olive oil or dressings like basil are fine though, in my opinion). Remember, a serving of meat is actually the size of a deck of cards! Lean meat is the key, and red meat should be a treat.

Sweet Potatoes
    Personally, I like these too much. These are really good for healthy carbs and are very filling. They're also very popular with idols; A Pink ate these a lot while training for debut.

    I swear by bananas. I eat one or two a day. They're very filling and healthy, and are 100 kcal. I always have a sliced banana and a slice of plain wheat bread for breakfast. Yum! They are really good for you and make the perfect snack when you're trying to resist sweets! By dressing it up with a little sugar, it can help stop those naughty cravings.

    Or nuts in general, as long as they're not salted. Usually eat 5-10 almonds a day is good. They're surprisingly filling, though 5 almonds is about 40 calories. Eat these to hold over between meals.

    Drink a LOT of water. Sure, you'll be peeing really often (Ha ha!), but you're flushing out toxins. Also, did you know that your body physically cannot tell the difference between hunger and thirst? If you think you're hungry, drink some water and wait a few minutes.

    Some other tips. It takes 20 seconds for the human brain to register whether it really wants/needs food. So wait 20 seconds before opening the fridge. Also, it takes 20 minutes to register you're full. Eat slowly! On a scale of 1 to 10, you should be about a 7 or so when it comes to fullness. Eating a meal does not mean you should eat until you can't take another bite.

    And please, people, eat breakfast. Did you know that sumo wrestlers skip breakfast in order to become that big!? Well it's true! Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day. It'd actually be healthier in the long run to have a banana for breakfast and a salad for lunch, than just a salad at lunch.


    A good first diet to try could be SNSD's diet plan. Eek! Although it may sound horrible, learn some good tricks from it. Just like the girls, NEVER eat after 7pm. Eat dinner very early. The more you eat close to bedtime, the more fat you store at night. If you eat earlier in the day and less later in the day, you burn off more of what you ate earlier on. Here is some of their diet: 
Breakfast - Rice, grilled chicken breast, blanched broccoli and seasonal vegetables.
Lunch - Rice, grilled chicken breast and cabbage and paprika salad and almonds.
Dinner - Sweet potatoes, eggs and cabbage and paprika salad

    ALWAYS treat yourself once a week. If you never treat yourself, you'll crack. Plus it's healthy to keep your body surprised. But, when I say treat, I mean one meal. Don't finish it if you're full or feeling full! Ha ha. Don't try so much soda for you soda fans out there. Too much gas and sugar in that.


      IU 'Dream High' diet!
   It's pretty interesting. Some can't do it due to body's preferences as well as family lifestyle. The key was to "eat breakfast like a queen, lunch like a commoner, and dinner like a beggar." I can totally see how this would work for some people, just not for me.

 The part of 4minute's Hyuna's diet that you can follow is very simple. Replace all white things with brown things! Wheat bread instead of white bread, brown rice instead of white rice, wheat pasta instead of white... It really adds up. White carbs are so refined that they strip the food of all the good stuff, leaving the icky carbs that become fat for you to eat!


   To be honest, I am not the biggest exercise enthusiast. I hate it most times..BUT! Exercising also releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the body that make you happy!
     Skipping rope is good ~ IU's character in Dream High apparently did this and lost tons of weight. But at the very least it's a good way to get you sweating.

Fun fact - one pound of fat is equal to 3,000 kcal. Yep. ;) Imagine how many pieces of ckae it took to do that damage! Not much!

   Finally, yoga is great. It helps strengthen your core and relaxes your body while also increasing flexibility. Most female Idols do this to stay in shape be able to show of during variety shows ha ha.

   The best thing you can do is have a positive mindset... If you tell yourself you can't do it, trust me, you won't. Have a picture of your ideal Idol's body to support you any time. Just imagine that you're that much closer to having their body or better. Wish for the best and good luck to you all.

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